Hidden link to be sent to all clubs – link not to be visible on website or provided to anyone other than Club Head Coach/Secretary to prevent misuse
In order to pay for club relays at the upcoming Winter Regional Championships, clubs are required to firstly select 1 x club ticket and complete all fields, then select the number of entries required for each age group, again completing all fields.
Once all relay information has been completed, a payment for the full amount must be made by completing the booking process.
Any amendments made to entered teams due to illness/injury must be sent directly to events@swimnorthwest.org providing the following information: Club, Relay Team Name, Name of Swimmer, Swim England Number and evidence such as doctors note.
Deadline for entries Friday 4th November 2023 @ 12pm
Any issues please contact swimnorthwest@swimming.org
For full event conditions, please click here
SENW Terms and conditions will apply
For any amendments, please select club details ticket and team member amendment and complete required fields – please note, no amendments to team entries will be accepted after 12pm on Friday 4th November 2023
Any misuse of this form …….