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- Employment Guidance for Swim England Clubs
Swim England in conjunction with the Institute of Swimming (IoS), the British Swimming Coaches Association (BSCA) and Browne Jacobson LLP has produced employment contract documentation and guidance notes.
The following three documents are available:
- Contract for Services Template
- Employment Contract Template
- Guidance on Legal and Taxation Issues arising on the engagement of swimming coaches and teachers.
These templates may be used by Club Officers to appoint potential employees and coaches on an employed and self-employed basis. They are available to download via ‘BJ Access’, Browne Jacobson’s web based document sharing portal.
The Swim England Legal Affairs department would, in particular, draw to the attention of clubs the legal and taxation implications of the distinction between employed and self-employed teachers and coaches.
Access to the ‘BJ Access’ portal can be obtained by Officers of Swim England affiliated clubs by emailing renewals@swimming.org with your name, email address, club name and club officer position. Once they have verified your membership and club officer role they will register your details with Brown Jacobson and a ‘BJ Access’ invitation email will be sent to you which will allow you to create a personal log in for the email address provided. Queries can be directed to renewals@swimming.org.
Sports Coach UK have also produced a useful document for clubs and coaches around employment which can be downloaded here.