Funding is crucial for club development. Sport England and the County Sports Partnership network are two key partners. Swim England North West is committed to achieving our aim:
“Investing in a quality club experience with satisfied members”
The region are constantly striving to get the most up to date funding information and have recently launched three new projects detailed below.
SENW Regional Grant Fund for SwimMark Accredited Clubs
Regional Grant Funding is allocated to the Regions’ SwimMark accreditated clubs once approved by the National Panel.
Clubs will receive a payment £250 into the clubs bank account upon completion of the full accreditation.
Clubs will receive a further £250 upon successful completion of the annual health check.
Other SENW Funding Opportunities for SwimMark Accredited Clubs
For further information on an funding please email
Club Investment Grant
Swim England North West Region has funding available, (booklets have been updated to reflect this), for clubs within the Region.
The Region will consider a variety of applications for the grant. These applications could be to purchase items such as water polo balls or starting blocks. Funding can also be requested for the club to deliver larger scale projects such as introducing a new discipline.
A Club Officer should be contacted before submission of any application and all applications will be considered on a case by case basis and must meet all the required criteria including SwimMark accreditation or working towards and will be considered on a first come first served basis. Any application is not means tested; however, applicants must meet all the required criteria.
Application from and term of the grant can be downloaded Application Form.
Funding Opportunities for all clubs including Non-SwimMark Accredited Clubs:
Swim England Safeguarding Workshop
Swim England follows the recommendations made by NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit. Wavepower 2020-2023 sets out Swim England’s Child Safeguarding Policies and Procedures.
The recommended training for Swim England is Swim England Safeguarding Course (ran through the Institute of Swimming). There is also an online refresher course available for those who have attended the initial face-to-face SE Safeguarding workshop.
To support our region Swim England North West have made funds available to support clubs accessing SE Safeguarding workshops and renewals.
Application Form
Coaching Bursary
To offer financial support to club volunteers in obtaining coaching certificates which are vital in developing the necessary skills to deliver coaching sessions.
Application Form
Easyfundraising gives aquatics clubs access to an unlimited source of FREE funding as clubs receive donations when members and their families shop online. Currently there are over 1 million supporters with 900,000 good causes, which includes over 600 swimming clubs who have raised over £200k between them.
How It Works
• Sign up to Easy Fundraising
• Select chosen retailer
• Shop as normal
There are around 3,200 shops and sites to choose from for a range of different categories including; business deals, entertainment, travel, fashion and beauty. Individuals can also download ‘Donation Reminder’ which will appear on the retailers website, all they need to do is click ‘Activate Donation’ and then continue to shop as normal.
Currently £140,000 has been raised by approximately 40 clubs within the North West.
County Funding
Funding is available to either individuals or clubs from the following Counties:
Lancashire: Pat Gabbitas Bursary – Coaching & Teaching
Cheshire: Coaching Bursary, Captial Purchases, Special Projects
(Please ensure you are familiar with the Terms and Conditions prior to applying)
National Funding
National Grants are available to support the development of clubs. Swim England North West have generated a list of grants which are available for clubs to access.
Sport England
Sport England also have a number of funding grants available for clubs.
Clubs can also access guidance to support with writing their grant application.
Swim England have generated a Sponsorship Pack to support clubs with developing a sponsorship proposal specifically for your club.