Welcome to Open Water Swimming

Open Water swimming is a truly different experience to swimming in a pool, and one all swimmers should try at least once. Without the confines of lane ropes or walls, open water swimming is liberating, adventurous and unique. Open water takes place anywhere that isn’t a swimming pool; lakes, rivers, lochs, seas and reservoirs.

Swim England North West support swimming clubs and members within the North West who wish to get into Open Water through the Club Development Team and the Regional Swimming Management Group (SMG). The SMG meet quarterly to ensure that all aspects of swimming, masters, open water and para swimming are provided with development opportunities and competitions throughout the Region. The group consists of representatives from the three County Associations (Lancashire, Cheshire and Cumbria), Masters, Open Water, Para Swimming, Officials, Licensing and the Event Management Group.

The North West Regional Event Management Group organise the Regional Open Water Championships annually in June or July. Swimmers also have the opportunity to get into Open Water Swimming through the taster sessions provided by the Region.

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16 Jun 2018

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