Funding is crucial for club development. Sport England and the County Sports Partnership network are two key partners.
This funding is currently under review
This funding is currently under review
Easyfundraising gives aquatics clubs access to an unlimited source of FREE funding as clubs receive donations when members and their families shop online. Currently there are over 1 million supporters with 900,000 good causes, which includes over 600 swimming clubs who have raised over £200k between them.
How It Works
• Sign up to Easy Fundraising
• Select chosen retailer
• Shop as normal
There are around 3,200 shops and sites to choose from for a range of different categories including; business deals, entertainment, travel, fashion and beauty. Individuals can also download ‘Donation Reminder’ which will appear on the retailers website, all they need to do is click ‘Activate Donation’ and then continue to shop as normal.
Currently £140,000 has been raised by approximately 40 clubs within the North West.
Funding is available to either individuals or clubs from the following Counties:
Lancashire: Pat Gabbitas Bursary – Coaching & Teaching
Cheshire: Coaching Bursary, Capital Purchases, Special Projects
(Please ensure you are familiar with the Terms and Conditions prior to applying)
National Grants are available to support the development of clubs. Swim England North West have generated a list of grants which are available for clubs to access.
Sport England also have a number of funding grants available for clubs.
Clubs can also access guidance to support with writing their grant application.
Swim England have generated a Sponsorship Pack to support clubs with developing a sponsorship proposal specifically for your club.