This is an update from the information previously shared with clubs in September 2022 – click here for previous information
Swim England would like to thank all clubs for following their updates about the Trust Registration Service. They realise this is a complex issue and appreciate your patience.
In their last update, Swim England confirmed the Sport and Recreation Alliance had taken legal advice which confirmed most unincorporated sports clubs/organisations will need to register as they constitute a Trust in the eyes of TRS.
What is happening now?
HM Treasury has now opened a consultation on reforming the registration requirements for the Trust Registration Service. This consultation closes Sunday 9th June.
The main proposal potentially affecting clubs can be found on page 60. It proposes that trusts will need to register for the Trust Registration Service unless they meet all the following:
- They are not liable for UK taxes
- Do not own UK land or property
- Hold less than £5,000 worth of assets and do not distribute more than £2,000 in assets and expenses combined over any 12-month period
How are Swim England supporting clubs?
Swim England are currently developing their response to the proposal and producing a template for clubs to use if they also wish to respond to the consultation. This will be sent out next month.
To access the ‘Proposal’ – please click here