The Swim England North West Annual Council Meeting is to be held on Saturday 5th September 2020 commencing at 10.30 am.
All the documents for the notification of the ACM can be found below
2020-Proposed Notice Council Meeting.doc
2020 Combined Nomination Form.doc
Board Member Competencies.docx
Management Board
- 3 Management Board positions for nomination & election
Regional Members of Swim England Members Forum
- Positions available for nomination & election
If you know of anyone who would like to be nominated for any of the above positions could you please forward the Combined Nomination Form to them
Please note that the Combined Nomination Form &Board Competencies need to be completed and returned to no later than 31st July, 2020.
The ACM Paperwork i.e. Annual Reports; Finance Report; Rules Changes and all other relevant documentation will be emailed to you all in early August 2020 in readiness for 5th September.